National Etailing and Mailing Organization of America
NEMOA | News Detail
Senate Vote on Marketplace Fairness Act Imminent; Act Now to Defeat It

Urgent Industry Alert:
  Vote Imminent; Last Chance to Defeat
Marketplace Fairness Act in The Senate
Dear Catalog Industry Executive:
This fight in the Senate is not done yet. The Wall Street Journal editorial from earlier this week does a good job laying out some of the issues. Please review it, refer to it, and make calls to your state's Senate offices in Washington and in your state right away, as there's no time to lose.  Please consider the following as well:
  • Your employees can certainly call the local state offices expressing dismay that this may cost jobs at their company and create confusion with their customers.
  • Owners/GMs can call Washington Senate offices and introduce themselves before registering strong opposition to the complexity getting ready to rain down on them.
  • Small business owners can talk about how they turned to the internet to level the playing field against big box stores.
Whether you're a member or not, this is your opportunity to make a difference, to be heard - and ACMA is happy to help you develop your message and walk you through how to get this done. Grassroots and grasstops outreach while specific legislation is being considered does make a difference. If you have not communicated with both your Senators, please do so today. We are expecting a vote may come as early as tomorrow!
In addition to the WSJ piece, as we provided in our previous emails here are more tools you may need:
Guide to all U.S. Senators
Marketplace Fairness Act: Myths vs. Truths
TruST's Minimum Simplification Requirements
True Simplification of Taxation website
Click here to review the details ACMA distributed in our alert from Friday
Model Letter to Senators to Oppose Marketplace Fairness Act (but calls are greatly preferred)
Please continue to use ACMA as your communications hub by clicking on the following address to let us know which actions you take:

Hamilton Davison
President & Executive Director
American Catalog Mailers Association
About ACMA
ACMA is a Washington-based not-for-profit organization specifically created to advocate for the unique collective interests of catalog mailers in regulatory, public and administrative matters where the shared impact transcends individual company interests. The only catalog owned and controlled trade group focused solely on the business interests of catalogers and their supply chain, ACMA participates in rulemaking and other proceedings of significance where a single collective voice increases influence and effectiveness. Membership is open to any party with direct interests in the catalog industry. More information can be found at

Published: 04/25/13