National Etailing and Mailing Organization of America
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Postal Rates Now Expected to Change on May 31st, As USPS Re-files with Regulator

 April 16, 2015
The US Postal Service has just filed a response to Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) order from last month, in which the Commission remanded proposed rates for Standard Mail, Periodicals, and Package Services. The Postal Service’s response contains adjusted pricing and further explanation consistent with the Commission’s Order. The scheduled implementation date for the new pricing is now May 31st, pending PRC approval. All competitive and previously-approved market dominant prices would be implemented at the same time.
About ACMA
ACMA is a Washington-based not-for-profit organization specifically created to advocate for the unique collective interests of catalog mailers in regulatory, public and administrative matters where the shared impact transcends individual company interests. The only catalog owned and controlled trade group focused solely on the business interests of catalogers and their supply chain, ACMA participates in rule-making and other proceedings of significance where a single collective voice increases influence and effectiveness. Membership is open to any party with direct interests in the catalog industry. More information can be found at
© 2015 American Catalog Mailers Association, Inc. You are encouraged to pass this message on to others in the catalog industry.
            Paul Miller


Published: 04/17/15

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