National Etailing and Mailing Organization of America
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Don't Miss Your Future - VT/NH Datamann Seminar - Feb. 19th

Don’t Miss Your Future

by Bill LaPierre on January 13, 2015

“The main thing that has caused companies to fail is that they missed the future.” Larry Page, Google CEO, March 2014.

This is your chance not to miss the future.

Registration so far has been fantastic for the all-day Who Is Looking out for your Interests? seminar that Datamann is sponsoring for the Vermont / New Hampshire Marketing Group on Thursday February 19, 2015 at the Marriott Courtyard/ Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH.

If you have not yet registered, click here for the seminar registration page on the VT/NH Marketing Group’s website. But you must register soon! (Concord is New Hampshire’s state capital, and is only 20 minutes north of the Manchester, NH airport, which is served by all major airlines).

Datamann has catalog clients coming from all over the country and the UK, as well as many local catalogs from New England. This will be an information packed event – along with being a chance to meet with other catalog marketers – which will be well worth the trip.

But the most important reason to come is to hear the advice and wisdom of two of the industry’s biggest rock stars – Amy Africa and Kevin Hillstrom. They will share their vision for the future, and explain how you can turn your company in the right direction to meet that future. In the process, they will tell you the pitfalls to avoid that will derail your company, most of which are avoidable.

Agenda – Thursday, February 19, 2015

Marriott Courtyard Grappone Conference Center, Concord, NH

8:30 AM Registration and Networking

9:00 AM Pay Attention if You Want to Survive – Bill LaPierre, Datamann

10:00 AM Choices That Make a Difference – Kevin Hillstrom, MineThatData

12 PM – Lunch and Networking

1:00 PM This is Really the Future of Ecommerce – Amy Africa, Eight by Eight

3:30 PM Open discussion: Amy Africa, Kevin Hillstrom and Bill LaPierre

To register for the seminar, contact the Vermont/ New Hampshire Marketing Group.   Registration costs for this all day event are as follows:

  • $140 for NEMOA members
  • Registrations are accepted until February 17, 2015

VT NH Seminar 2015 Cover

The fastest and easiest way to register: click here for the VT/NH Marketing Group.

The Marriott Courtyard/ Grappone Conference Center, Concord, NH is located at 70 Constitution Ave in Concord, NH – just north of the intersection of I-89 and I-93. Special room rates of $99 are available for attendees of the seminar if they register with the Marriott by January 28, 2015. You must mention your attendance at the seminar to receive the special rates.

Published: 01/15/15

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