Disaster on the Horizon? Consider This Your Notice - ACMA
Dear Catalog Industry Participant:
In 2007, people told me they never received notice that postage rates could go up so dramatically, affecting thousands of catalog companies.
Unfortunately, if things don't change in Washington, it could happen again. Catalogs (and others) could see persistent, frequent rate hikes.
Please consider this your notice.
There are a variety of things brewing in Washington that will affect catalogers financially. Decisions are to be made in the next few years that will affect your company’s future. The good news is that catalogers can affect the outcome. The real question is whether catalogers will affect the outcome.
So far at least, only a fraction of the industry is engaged. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. ACMA has been able to put together an impressive track record of success. However, influencing public policy in our nation’s capital is a numbers game and right now, we simply do not have the numbers.
ACMA has been able to put together an impressive track record of impact. However, influencing public policy in our nation’s capital is a numbers game and right now, we simply do not have the numbers.
In less than a month, catalog executives will gather in Washington, DC at the National Catalog Forum to discuss the threats facing cataloging and marshal forces to address them.
We can win these battles, but only if we engage and represent a greater number of companies from across the country. No company can afford to sit on the sidelines. We need every congressional district represented.
A great place to start is at the ACMA Forum where we will speak with real players within our government — two US Senators, three Congressional representatives, and the heads of the US Postal Service and its regulator — all of whom have a hand in altering your company’s future.
Make a commitment today to join us April 29th to May 1st. Find out what is happening and how you can help fight those who lobby hard for us to pay more and who would rather see us languish on the brink of financial insolvency in misplaced desires for "fairness" or a "level playing field."
Whether catalogers have a viable future is wholly up to you, the uninvolved part of our industry. The time to engage is now. It’s not likely to happen without your help. Consider this your notice.